Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Postman Came.....

And delivered an eased mind!

When I have a project that needs to be done, I need to be able to research it. I need to be able to think, plan, manipulate the information regarding it in the time before I am actually allowed to start it. If I can't do that, then I get anxious, stressed, and just plain unhappy. This is a very recent discovery, and since realizing this about myself life has become much smoother. When I start to get anxious about something, I fire up the internet, or yank out a book, or take a quick trip out and immerse myself in the subject. This reassures me in my knowledge and grasp of the situation, and I can breathe again.

I was about to have a panic attack earlier because, unlike other passions such as canning and gardening, I do not have a very solid network of homeschooling information yet. My brain was starting to question and yearn, and I had no place to go to in order to ground those thoughts. Thank goodness I checked the mail when I did and found such a wonderful book waiting for me!! Linda Dobson's The First Year of Homeschooling Your Child came in, and even though I have yet to finish the second chapter, I nearly wept in relief. I admit I was starting to panic and second guess my ability to do this, but to know I am not alone in those feelings is a huge weight off my shoulders! This book is a blessing, for sure!!

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